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il Referal small

Independent Lasagna’s REFERRAL PROGRAM:

Because marketing is hard enough and social media has become the overriding word of mouth way of spreading information, Independent Lasagna has decided to allocate its marketing budget to the people.

Simply put, if “Joe the Plumber” has a friend who is getting married or his buddy “Bob the Electrician” is in need of an online content upgrade and they end up using our services we will pay the referee 10% of the clients budget. If it’s a wedding and Joe wants to go ahead and give his referral fee as a wedding present, then by all means it’s a win-win for everyone!

How it works:

Simply apply for a free referral number so we can keep track of your financials.   Then, keep your nose to the ground for opportunities.  A friend starting a business?  Let them know we can help.  You see an engagement on Facebook, send them a link and let them know how it works.  Make sure they include you as their reference.  Then, upon completion of the project you will receive a check or PayPal transfer within the week. $ 🙂 

That’s all there is to it…

Lets all help each other help each other!  

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